Trash and Recycling

Waste Management
Trash and recycling service is currently provided for residents by Waste Management. All residents are required to have an established account with Waste Management (Township Ordinance #53). Information regarding the new contract can be viewed here and here.

  • Service: 1-800-869-5566
  • Billing: 1-800-642-8850

Tuesday is the collection day. Waste Management may arrive early to remove trash, so be sure to have your trash out in time.

Holidays and weather events can affect collection service. The best way to be aware of these is to select a notification method for your Waste Management account (go to Waste Management’s website, login to your account, and select “Communication Preferences”).

Service Options

Residents have two (2) options for trash and recycling service with Waste Management –

Standard Weekly Service Tag-a-Bag Service
Cost $174.87 per quarter (4 times a year) *Changes in Tipping Fee can affect this amount. $28.62 per tag, minimum of 20 tags for an annual cost of $572.40. Tags must be affixed to each and every bag that is put out for removal. WM will mail 20 tags and bill all residents on Tag-a-Bag Service for the second year of the contract.
Limit 2 bags per week (with a volume of less than 36 gallons each, and weigh under 50 lbs.) Unlimited, provided that each bag has a tag affixed to it
Recycling Unlimited Unlimited
Bulk Items 1 bulk item per week $40.00 per each bulk item. Resident must contact WM at (800) 634-4595 to schedule a bulk item pick up, 24-48 hours in advance.


Residents are reminded that burning recyclables is not permitted (Township Ordinance #67). For specific information on what can and cannot be recycled with Waste Management, go here. However, the following are generally considered to be recyclable –

  • Plastic bottles and containers. Clean and dry them. Put the cap back on them.
  • Food and beverage cans (tin, aluminum, steel). Empty aerosol cans are also recyclable. If the can has a plastic lid, remove it before recycling.
  • Paper (copy paper, newspaper, magazines). Make sure they’re dry.
  • Flattened cardboard and paperboard. For pizza boxes, make sure there’s no attached food residue.
  • Food and beverage containers. Make sure they’re clean.
  • Glass bottles and containers.

Recycling bins may be purchased at the Township Municipal Building – currently offered are 18-gallon bins for $18.00. Residents may also purchase a bin at any hardware store and label it “Recycling”. Free recycle stickers are now available at the Township office.

The Dauphin County Recycling Center – located at 1625 South Cameron Street, Harrisburg, PA 17104 – is where residents can recycle certain items that are not accepted by Waste Management. To learn more, go here. A list of acceptable items can be viewed here. The Dauphin County Recycling Center is open Monday – Friday 8:30 AM to 4:15 PM (closed holidays), NO SATURDAY HOURS.

Household Hazardous Waste

Certain types of waste generated by households are not able to be collected by Waste Management and are not able to be recycled (either by Waste Management or at the Dauphin County Recycling Center). These can include things like propane tanks, household chemicals, and paint.

Dauphin County offers residents a curbside Household Hazardous Waste removal program for free, one time per year. Go here to learn more about the program and how to schedule your collection.